Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Welcome to the Bishop Road Primary School SEND page. My name is Mrs. Emma Metcalfe and I am the…

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Welcome to the Bishop Road Primary School SEND page. My name is Mrs. Emma Metcalfe and I am the…

Welcome to the Bishop Road Primary School SEND page.

My name is Mrs. Emma Metcalfe and I am the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo). I work closely with staff, parents, carers and outside agencies to ensure that we are meeting the needs of all our children.

Children may experience difficulties at any time during their school life. For example, they may need extra support with learning, with friendships, with expressing themselves or managing their emotions. They may have a visual impairment, a hearing impairment or difficulty with physical mobility. These difficulties could be temporary or longer term.

At Bishop Road School we are committed to working with you and your child to support your child’s needs. If you have any questions about your child’s progress you can discuss this with your child’s class teacher. By sharing information and knowledge with us we can develop a good understanding of your child’s strengths and difficulties together.

I will also be happy to talk to you. You are welcome to contact me for more information or advice via the school office. (Tel. 0117 9030483)

We hope that you find the following information helpful in explaining how we can support your child.

Our current SEND Policy complies with the requirements of the SEND Code of Practice January 2015.

Please see our diagram which explains our Graduated Approach to supporting children with SEND.

The Children and Families Act 2014 asked every school or educational setting to write an SEN Information Report. The Bishop Road SEND Information Report gives details about how we support children with SEND in a question and answer format.

You can also find a government guide provided for parents and carers at:

The Equality Act 2010 requires schools to have an Accessibility Plan The purpose of the plan is to improve the equality of opportunity for those within the school community who have a disability. It outlines how we ensure disabled children can participate in the curriculum, how we have improved the physical environment for disabled children and how we have improved the delivery of information to anyone who has a disability.

Bristol City Council has a duty to provide a local offer which provides a range of information about the support available for children with SEND in our city.

The Local Offer website provides information for young people with SEND and their families. Professionals are also encouraged to use the website if they want to better understand what provision is available in Bristol and how processes work: https://www.bristol.gov.uk/bristol-local-offer

Supportive Parents is a charity providing information, advice and support to parents, children and young people about any type of special educational need or disability from 0-25 years who live in Bristol, North Somerset or South Gloucestershire. http://www.supportiveparents.org.uk/