Teaching of Reading

We have a structured approach to the teaching of reading which includes the teaching of phonics to help children  …

Teaching of Reading

We have a structured approach to the teaching of reading which includes the teaching of phonics to help children  …

We have a structured approach to the teaching of reading which includes the teaching of phonics to help children   decode words, an awareness of comprehension skills and strong focus on exploring meaning. We use a programme called ‘Read Write Inc’ to introduce synthetic phonics    systematically.

Teachers use picture books, novels and factual texts to engage and stimulate learning; ensuring children enjoy high quality writing that advances their knowledge and understanding.


We use a programme called ‘Read Write Inc’ to introduce synthetic phonics systematically. This begins in reception and carries through into year one to help children decode words so that they can sound them out.


Reading Comprehension

Once children are able to decode words it is important that they begin to develop their skills of comprehension so that they are able to truly understand what is happening in a text. Within our school community we use a variety of text types to help develop and build the skills required to comprehend a piece of writing.

Asking children questions about a text is a method used to demonstrate if they have understood what has happened. If they are able to retrieve something from a text then that will help to support their understanding. Children will find it easier to understand what is occurring by reading more books so that they are able to use their past experiences and the clues in the text to guide them.

Skills that we focus on include: Skimming and scanning a text, retrieval skills, literal meaning of phrases, referencing text in answers and inference and deduction.

How to help at home

Home provides the best opportunity to reinforce the benefits of reading for pleasure. When your child is reading alone, or reading with you, we encourage you to be inquisitive about his/her book. By discussing and asking questions, children can build on their comprehension skills.


Some questions you could ask include:

  • What do you think is happening here?
  • What did she/he/it look like?
  • What makes you think that?
  • What words give you that impression?
  • What do you predict will happen next?
  • Where did this story take place?
  • Do any words or phrases help you to imagine the place where the story was set?
  • Do any words or phrases help to build a picture of this character?
  • Did your opinion of the character change while you were reading? Why?

Have a look at our parents guide to find out more about reading in school.

Parents guide

For ideas of books to be reading, have a look at these reading lists.

Recommended books for Foundation stage

Recommended books for Year 1

Recommended books for Year 2

Recommended books for Year 3

Recommended books for Year 4

Recommended books for Year 5

Recommended books for Year 6

Wider Community

As a school we are actively trying to build partnerships within our school reading community. We are looking to involve more people who are connected to the school and the local community to provide further motivation and role models for our young readers.

Parent readers

Currently we have a number of fantastic parent readers who are able to give their time to support our young readers and we hope to increase this number in the future.

It is hoped that from time to time we could arrange for parents or grandparents to visit during story times at the end of school day to hear children read or share stories with small groups or individuals

If you are interested in helping our children with their reading please speak to the school office in the first instance.

Reading at home

For your children to make the necessary progress in their reading we ask that parents and carers support their children by extending their learning into their home environments and reading with them each day. Each child should have the chance to share their reading book with their adults every day. Parents should read a book to their child each day, perhaps before bed time. Children will also have the chance to read with an adult at school at least once a week.

Reading with your children takes place in 3 stages.

            -Reading to your child.

            -Reading with your child.DSCF3551

            -Hearing your child read.

Reading to your child is an opportunity for you to read a story or a book to your children, the children will see you following the text and take in the story as you read. This gives the opportunity to model reading behaviour (tracking text from left to right, starting at the beginning of the book, turning one page at a time).

Reading with your child is an opportunity to share a book and discuss the story. At the beginning of the year this is a good chance to play games with the text, such as spotting sounds from their own names, sounds learned in phonics sessions and other familiar words. You can discuss what you think will happen next by referring to the front cover, the text and the pictures in the book. You can discuss what has happened after reading, why these things have happened and what we enjoyed about the books.

Hearing your child read will be an opportunity to explore the skills learned in school and support children with their independence as well as celebrating their achievements. This will evolve as the year progresses from spotting familiar sounds and letters, to reading words, then sentences and eventually whole books independently.

Reading ambassadors

We are passionate about books and enjoy sharing our love of stories and reading with other people! Here are some of our spectacular reading ambassadors with their buddies.