Clubs and Sports

Welcome to the page for sports and clubs! Teacher-Lead Clubs A range of after-school clubs are offered to Year…

Clubs and Sports

Welcome to the page for sports and clubs! Teacher-Lead Clubs A range of after-school clubs are offered to Year…

Welcome to the page for sports and clubs!

Teacher-Lead Clubs

A range of after-school clubs are offered to Year 1-6 pupils during terms 2, 4, 5 & 6. Please look out for the offer on our School Letters page.

Swimming team

Swimming has long been an important sport at Bishop Road, with the school team regularly competing amongst the best in the country at the national primary finals. The school takes part in termly competitive galas against other local schools, friendly galas for developing competitive swimmers and both the Bristol and English schools’ championships. If you are interested in competitive swimming and can confidently swim at least 50m freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke without needing to stop, please speak to Mr Barr about possibly swimming in a gala at some point.

Competitive sports

Various teams from the school take part in a wide range of sporting competitions against other schools. If you check the notice board by the blue gates and the display board next to the trophy cabinet in the entrance hall you can see updates of what we have been doing. Many events are also added to the main school blog on the website.

Sport Development Clubs

Sports development lessons are run separately to the core offer of teacher-lead clubs. These are offered by Novus Education, who provide the curriculum for sport and PE in school.

All Novus Education “Sport Development Club” information and bookings can be found at

All Novus clubs have limited spaces so will be first come first serve, payment details are also to be found via the Novus Education website.